Merry Christmas! If anyone didn't receive our Christmas "letter" (via email) and would like it, please email me for it.
We had a very loud, very exciting Christmas morning. Rest assured, Granddad, your grandchildren were not neglected! Santa Claus, Daddy, and Mommy made a great team. We are proud owners of scooters, a toddler roller coaster, new Bibles, a nice leather bag for Daddy, a fantastic SLR camera for Mommy and... a new canoe! We're looking forward to many Saturday morning adventures on the Chattahoochee and Big Creek. Thanks Scott and Nancy and David, too, for our gifts. It was fun having you here this morning.
The roller coaster!
(This isn't ours, but here's a representative shot of what a toddler roller coaster is!)

Bridger's beloved football (which added much excitement to the day -- HEADS UP, y'all!!!):
(Now might be a good time to mention that he threw a massive fit the night we returned from the Ford Christmas party because he had to leave Granddaddy's big football behind. No, I didn't run out and buy one... it was already under the tree!)
And last, but not least... The canoe! Thanks, Daddy! What a surprise!
It was a wonderful, much less-stressed holiday season for us this year. We enjoyed seeing Santa, riding the Pink Pig, baking Christmas cookies and a birthday cake for Jesus, the Ford family Christmas party, Brooke's performance as a sheep in big church, shopping for charity donations, Christmas crafts, and many loud exclamations of "Christmas lights!!!" Bridger yelled "Jesus born!!!" a lot today, which gives me hope that as the kids mature, they will associate a deeper meaning beyond all of the presents. (Please, Lord!)
Me, I'm happy for a silent night now! Time to go play with my camera. (And feel smug that I'm the first of the sisters with a Christmas Day post. Hey, I've got to enjoy any small victory after such a blog-neglected year....)
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!