Last week, Brad and I decided to take a last-minute trip. To Florida. Camping -- with the kids! Why? To view a two-minute event that could very likely not even take place, of course!
As you probably know, NASA is retiring the space shuttles and the future of American launches is uncertain. Brad has frequented Cocoa Beach for 18 months now on business. On several trips, he's missed viewing a shuttle launch due to rescheduling. We've been hoping for some time that we could combine a family vacation with one of his trips and happen to catch a launch. The time drew near and Brad couldn't honestly justify the trip with his work schedule. The two final shuttle launches are scheduled for September and November... hello, baby. We knew it was most likely this one or none.
Should we go? Really? 9 hours of driving with 2 preschoolers, 2 days off from work, when I'm pregnant, not to mention the expense.... for a 2-minute event?
There wasn't too much room for debate in my mind. I was ready to go. Why? Was too much blood going to the baby and not my brain?
Why? It was pretty clear to me. Mostly because I want to be that kind of person. The kind who sees a worthwhile opportunity and goes for it. A woman who will choose a great memory over some discomfort and inconvenience. A mom who values family time and finds joy in a little adventure, despite a few obstacles. I want to be a yes-we-can woman. Thankfully, I'm also married to that kind of man! ;)
So we watched the launch schedule and the weather forecast, crossed our fingers, and on Wednesday decided it was a go to leave the following morning. Yes, we drove 22 hours in 4 days. So we didn't sleep so well during three nights of camping, but it was fun and also the smart choice in the wake of purchasing our new minivan (for which we are very grateful!). Yes, it was a lot of work and energy. But boy, it sure was fun! We did it as a team, carving great family memories that never would have happened had I chosen the easy way out.
The campsite was peaceful, on the edge of a pretty little canal, near a lake. We chose to view the launch from Cape Canaveral Beach, where we had a ball playing in the ocean and sand. What a great way to view the launch, spending a pleasant, breezy day on a sunny beach!
The shuttle launch was really neat to see and we could hear it miles away. Bridger cried afterward because he wanted to go up, too!
I savored a dinner of crab-stuffed flounder that night, finally getting my own taste of the fresh seafood of which I've envied Brad during his business trips. During that dinner, we filled the kids in on Saturday's plan: Disney World.
I had only been to Disney World once, when I was 4. When I was younger, I'd complained of this injustice when everyone else I knew (including my sisters) had gone at least several times. As a paying adult, though, I'd become much more content with the deprivation. Honestly, I'm not a huge Disney fan. I could take or leave Mickey Mouse (sorry, Nancy!). I don't hold much against it, really, other than having characters splashed all over anything that can be remotely marketed towards kids and scary, overly-intense moments inappropriate for little kids in nearly every movie. On the flip side, I'm not anti-Disney. As memory serves, I did really love their Robin Hood.
So when Brad pitched the idea of taking the kids for a day (after all, we'd be right there), I flinched a little at the price, appreciated that Bridger can still get in free for 4 more months, and trusted him that we'd all have a great time and the kids would really love it. And we did.
(Note Brooke's little head peeking over as she "drives"!)
The kids had never been to an amusement park before (I think we might be setting their standards a little high by starting with the big DW!). We started early after a good breakfast, rented a double stroller, stuck to our priority list and took many snack/water breaks, interspersing the day with air conditioned rides, shows, and restaurants. We were there 10 hours(!), with no naps, and everyone stayed happy the whole day. Success!
The kids' favorites were It's a Small World, the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House, the Jungle Cruise, and the one souvenir they each picked at the end of the day: spray bottles with battery-powered fans built in. Despite heavy crowds and sore feet, I really savored a fun day together as a family. It was a really special day.
Sunday morning, we broke camp, packed up, and made it home around dinnertime, a little road weary. It was a huge trip... and we did it!!! Pregnant, with little kids -- and had fun almost the whole time. A huge plus: Brad and I went the entire trip without getting snippy once. Now there's an accomplishment for you!
Happy summer! Let the good times roll!