Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Yogurt Disaster!

While traveling home from Mother Dot's house this weekend, Brooke got a little cranky in the backseat. Erin handed her a cup of strawberry yogurt, thinking "no way can she open this". She got real quiet. 20 mins later I glanced back and saw THIS!


MOAB said...

Oh No!
You have a nice sounding and looking looking family.

KyTexBeth said...

EWWWWWWWWW! Doesn't Brooke look pleased with herself!!!!!Kind of reminds me of the time that Amy got into her mom's vaseline first, then the sequin box.....

Kate said...

Woo hoo! That's my girl!!!

David said...

I really can't put into words the laughter that is coming out of my mouth right now.

Erin said...

We were pretty amused, too! I laugh every time I see that.