Brooke, while rough and tumble as any tomboy, definitely is very girl-y when it comes to fashion and baby dolls! The girl loves accessories!!! Hats, shoes, glasses, purses, and jewelry are lots of fun. This is the outfit she put together last weekend. Never mind that the shoes are three sizes too big, she just had to wear them! (She’s very particular about shoes.)

We’ve also had lots of fun with nail polish this week! (Never mind the kicking and screaming while I was clipping her toenails. She was the stillest I’ve ever seen her awake while I painted all of twenty of her nails!) She likes to show them off. Those nails are tiny! Good thing I've had a lot of practice with little paintbrushes....

And her baby doll is second only to her beloved “baba” (a.k.a. “blanket” to those who don’t speak Brookese). She has a ritual of draping the blanket over her rocking chair (every part must be covered, mind you), setting the baby in the chair, getting in it herself and rocking with the baby. That order, every time, at least twenty times a day. Oh, and poor Baby Zoe can’t wear clothes anymore. Apparently Brooke thinks she’s hot (or a nudist).

"Night night babies!"

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