First, I went to Eugene, Oregon on business...

Here's where your Norton Anti-Virus annual fee goes!

I visited Florence, OR, home of the infamous Exploding Whale.

Then I went to Detroit. Didn't see anything worth taking pictures of.
Got home on Thurs and left on Friday for a getaway with Erin and Honey (the Miata) to NC. We stayed at the wonderful Balsam Mountain Inn.
While we were there we rode the Smoky Mountain Railroad around Lake Fontana and along the Nantahala River.
On the way home we detoured through Highlands, NC and hiked to Glen Falls. On your next car trip take a Miata and a GPS and you'll have a lot more fun!
We had a great time!
It's Fall and we have the home improvement bug again. So I am turning our guest room into my home office (it's a lot quieter and cooler in the afternoon). The ceiling has been smoothed and painted. Hopefully the walls will be painted this weekend.
Then we went to Mom and Dad's house where Dusty and his 2-year-old son Joshua joined us. Joshua and Brooke hit it off. It was game day, so Brooke cheered on the Jackets.
Lastly, here are finished pictures of the playset!
Whew! Now I'm all caught up. :)
Thanks for the update! I love the GT cheerleading outfit! And, you all don't fool me....I know what you're planning to do with your old office!!! :)
Hey, where's the UK flag on the playset????? Thanks for filling us in on your comings and goings!
You caught us, Katie! We're turning the old office into.... a GUEST room! :)
You didn't think we'd take your room away, now did you?
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