Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's a Major Award!

The home from the movie "A Christmas Story" has been restored just as it was in the movie, and is open to the public.

They are also selling:

(and yes, they come marked "FRA-GEE-LAY")

Visit them here

Monday, November 27, 2006

Uncle Shuck's Corn Maze

Back on Nov 4th (wow! seems like a long time ago!) we ventured up to Uncle Shuck's Corn Maze with our friends Steve, Leslie and Grace Hyland, and Steve's dad Christopher from Canada. Just outside of Dahlonega, GA the maze is shaped like a NASCAR race car. The corn was around 8 ft tall, so imagine your hallway made of corn and that is what it felt like to walk in it!

It was a chilly day, so we bundled up. We used the baby backpack again, though other folks used strollers.

Here we are, lost in the maze.

After we finished the Big Maze, Brooke and Grace explored the children's maze.

My beautiful girls.

One more with Daddy!

If you haven't done a corn maze before, check one out. They are a lot of fun!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006

Cue the X-Files Theme Song...

I'm going to make a slight departure from my usual posts of Brooke pics to share this fascinating article I found. Don't blow it off too quickly - check out the guy's background! "MoD" is the British Ministry of Defense!

Aliens Could Invade at any Moment

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

See Rock City

On the way home from Kentucky a couple of weeks ago we stopped off at Rock City in Chattanooga, TN. I had only been there once as a kid and loved it. Erin thinks she had been there before but was too little to remember any of it. It's a convenient stop between Atlanta and Knoxville, not taking more than 15-20 minutes to get to.

One of our common questions these days is: stroller or backpack? Due to the uneven terrain, we decided on my favorite backpack.

Brooke loves to ride along on hikes. She will playfully pat my head or want to hold my hands. If she gets a little whiny I can grab her shoes and tickle her legs (we call tickling "attitude adjustments" around here). When I stop she will bounce as if nudging a horse ("gitty-up Daddy!").

I remembered that there was a "Fat Man's Squeeze" and an "Eye of the Needle", but thought that there surely would be an alternate path for those not able to make it. I was wrong.

"Um, mommy???"

"Fat Man's Squeeze" was apparently designed for the pear-shaped, because it was wider at the bottom!

A great workout for the quads and lower back - especially when you are walking so carefully not to knock your daughter's noggin!

Whew! Safely through the squeezes and onto the swinging bridge. A lady ahead of us didn't like the heights or the bridge very much, and took a looooooong time to cross. Brooke was terribly tempted to bounce her, but restrained herself.

Gazing down at the waterfall below us.

See Seven States! (yeah right)

Come on Brooke, stick your head in the hole!

Big happy family!

And look who we ran into while we were there!

(just kidding)