Back on Nov 4th (wow! seems like a long time ago!) we ventured up to Uncle Shuck's Corn Maze with our friends Steve, Leslie and Grace Hyland, and Steve's dad Christopher from Canada. Just outside of Dahlonega, GA the maze is shaped like a NASCAR race car. The corn was around 8 ft tall, so imagine your hallway made of corn and that is what it felt like to walk in it!

It was a chilly day, so we bundled up. We used the baby backpack again, though other folks used strollers.

Here we are, lost in the maze.

After we finished the Big Maze, Brooke and Grace explored the children's maze.

My beautiful girls.

One more with Daddy!

If you haven't done a corn maze before, check one out. They are a lot of fun!
I love that leopard-skin jacket---very stylish!
Don't call animal rights! She has at least four winter coats with "fur"!
"Goodnight Moon" has a picture of a tiger-skin rug. She likes to point at it and say, "myow!"
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