This is Brooke.
She lives in Alpharetta.
She is a good little toddler
and always very curious...

...especially about Curious George!
Brooke loves this mischievous little monkey!
Brooke received The Complete Works of Curious George as a birthday present from Gran last Saturday. Since then, George has become an important part of our day. We read several stories a day -- each over 50 pages long! I estimate that we have read around eight hundred pages of Curious George this week!!! It's a good thing that they're such good stories (I loved them when I was little) and that there are seven of them for rotation! There are also several stories within each story. So far, she hasn't figured out that I take reader's license and edit them at times.
The highlight of this week was our trip to the Fernbank Museum of Natural History with our good friends and neighbors, Garrett, Zoe, and Ms. Karen. Brooke was well-prepared for the trip, because George went to the museum, too, and she knew all about his adventures there. To Brooke's great delight, George pulled down a tree on the dinosaur exhibit. When I told her that we were going to the museum to see dinosaurs, her eyes got really big and she asked "Tree?!?!"
Resulting from our visit, she has a new vocabulary word: "bones." It took me a couple of days to figure it out. Unlike George's dinosaurs, most of the ones we saw didn't have skin.
She and Garrett were pretty impressed.

Here, they're looking at a dinosaur statue outside.

Zoe was just happy to be pushed in the stroller and have interesting things to see. She was a very good sport and shared with Brooke beautifully.

(By the way, this cutie was is the inspiration for naming Brooke's doll "Baby Zoe." The real Zoe was a lot littler back then!)
We all had a very fun day at the museum. Brooke is still talking about the bones. I'm just glad that she was much better behaved than George that day!

Sounds like Curious Brooke had a great time! Cute pics!
How nice of Zoe to share her pacifier with Brooke! Honestly, you should write children's books (in your "spare" time)!
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