We're very excited to announce that we're expecting!!! Baby Hobbs is scheduled to arrive on October 9 (but probably a bit sooner, if it follows Brooke's lead!). Our little ones will be 2 years and 9 months apart.
It's great that Brooke is already obsessed with babies and baby care. I'm hoping that will transfer to her new role as big sister. She was proud to be the one to announce the big news to family via her snazzy new shirt!

Even though it's still very early, I've already seen my OB and had a sonogram, which is pretty unusual for only being four weeks along. They weren't even sure if they'd see anything, but sure enough, he found the little black "hole" made by the baby's fluid sac. He also used Doppler sonogram to show the good blood flow to the sac and around the baby. It looked like a little weather system inside of me! That was just the sneak preview, though. I'll go back in a couple of weeks for another appointment, which will be considered my official initial exam.

Yes, I am feeling pregnant! I recognize the waves of fatigue and the odd mix of hunger and nausea from carrying Brooke. I've also been thrown for an emotional loop lately; my hormones are going crazy, so be nice to me, please!
One funny development is that Brad's cousin Ashley is also pregnant with her second baby and she is due October 1. Their babies will be 18 months apart. We're excited for them. Talk about close cousins! Congratulations, Rich, Ashley, and Kensie!
Yeah!!! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations! We'll be praying for all of you!
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