Most notably, congratulations to Amy and Neal, who have announced their upcoming marriage in June! We're very excited for you both and look forward to adding Neal and his son Jack to the family. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the happy couple together, but if someone will send me one (incriminating or otherwise!), I'll be happy to post it!
The big news of the week is that we've been hit by the stomach flu again. Poor Brooke threw up seven times on Sunday. We took her to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta where she received great care and anti-nausea medicine. Since then, we've been battling the other stomach ills with her, too, though much less frequently. She wants to sit in our laps a lot and be cuddled, with for Brooke -- energizer bunny that she is -- means that she's feeling just awful! She threw up again this morning and then at 11:30 she actually told me "book shoo shoo shoo." Translation: "I want to read a book and take a nap." NEVER in her life has that girl told me she wanted to take a nap! She slept for an hour, we went on a walk, and is now down for another nap. The most trying times are when her blanket needs washing for reasons that you can imagine and when she wants food off of her restricted diet (mostly she wants milk). I'm SO glad that the weather is pretty and warm so we can at least get outside with the stroller.
I've had a touch of the bug myself. Fortunately, Brad seems to have slipped under its radar.
I'm just glad that my sweet client is understanding in yet another delay on her never-ending project! I'm only a day or two away from finishing, but it will probably be next week before I can wrap it up. Such is a mom's life!
Since you don't want to see what we look like this week, here are pictures to catch us up from our absence:
These Mr. Potato Head glasses are great!!! I like to try to wear the shoes, too.
So, the Energizer Bunny is a girly-girl, is she? Sorry to hear you've been feeling wobbly---hope you're all back to your normal cheerful selves in no time!
When it comes to fashion, she's all about the pretty girly stuff!
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