I thought I'd let everyone know how highly we think of all of the nice plants Dad and Pat have given us! For three nights, we lovingly put "babas" (blankets) on all of the blooming plants around our house. We've developed quite a collection of azaleas, hydrangeas, ferns, lilacs, hostas, etc., mostly thanks to Dad and Pat's generosity on their visits.
Brooke had a great time taking care of the plants like she does her babies, making sure that each one had a blanket and telling them "shoo shoo shoo" (her words for sleep). Even more fun was yelling "up!" -- telling them to wake up! As with all toddler's timing for pretend sleep, though, she wanted them to wake up right away. I had to convince her to let them sleep through the night and that we'd wake them up in the morning.
The best part for her was the last morning, when it was finally time to take all of the blankets in for good. I laid out a big dropcloth and piled blankets on top so that I could drag them into the garage. At first she had fun helping me pull, but quickly realized that riding with the blankets would be even better! She said "choo choo!" all the way and was sad when we pulled into the station. We're all looking forward to warmer nights ahead! Fortunately, today the weather really seems to have turned a corner and it's sunny and beautiful again.
On a related note, last night during bathtime, Brooke lined up all of her cups and shampoo bottles along the edge of the tub and said "choo choo!" and then moved them from one end to the other and back again. She'd apparently made a train!
I currently have a stunted Crepe Myrtle and a withered hydrangea.....thanks a lot, Mother Nature!
Who knows? Maybe they'll make a comeback!
I've seen Amy's plant caretaking skills...those plants never stood a chance. Mother Nature just did them a favor. I've always said a quick death is better than a slow and drawn out one.
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