We have some likely days for delivery! If I seem ready to go into labor, Dr. Garcia will induce on Friday, September 21st. If I look like I can hold out for a while longer, the backup induction date is Tuesday, October 2 (yes, Uncle Dave's birthday!). Of course, I could also go on my own sometime in between. As my original due date was October 9, hopefully we're still in the range of being able to control things in time for me to have an epidural this time around. (If not, I know to head south at the first signs of labor!)
Dr. Garcia seems optimistic that, given my history, she may be able to just have me prepped, break my water, and that the baby will come without much more prompting.
Of course, there's lots of room for the baby and my body to act otherwise, but that's the plan for now! Right now, the next big date on the calendar is September 19: the day I go in to see if I'm ready to be induced. That will determine what happens next.
I love my new OB and am so glad that I switched! I have been so thoroughly impressed with Dr. Garcia. She's a young, very peppy Indian lady with two kids of her own who has practiced obstetrics for 10 years. She seems incredibly competent and is so encouraging and approachable. She came very highly recommended and I'm looking forward to the possibility that she'll deliver our baby. She works in a rather large practice, so if it weren't for Brooke's fast labor (which is prompting the induction) I would be at the mercy of whoever happened to be on call when this baby decides to come (of course, that still may happen if he comes between Sept. 21 and Oct. 2). Hopefully, though, he'll cooperate with the doctor's schedule.
On a funny note, Dr. Garcia says she gets lots of hispanic women who request her because of her last name... and who then are very disappointed to learn she doesn't speak any Spanish!
1 comment:
Wow! That's not very far away!
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