We've enjoyed visits with Gran and Granddad lately! Mom was a huge blessing and was able to come stay with us for Bridger's first week at home. She cooked, cleaned, made play dough, went shopping for us, drove Brooke to preschool, gave baths, read stories, organized two and a half years of Brooke's clothes and our baby things and was a first class baby and toddler entertainer! (All that while recovering from gall bladder surgery!) What a Godsend!!!
Granddad came this weekend and stayed for a couple of nights. We enjoyed a relaxing visit playing with Brooke's dollhouse, watching football, walking to the antique fair in downtown Crabapple, gleaning insight on our Founding Fathers (thanks to Dad's current literary interest) and getting our facts straight on Daniel Boone folklore.
Unfortunately, Brooke's been under the weather with a bad cough, a fever, new molars coming in and growing pains in her legs. Poor girl!!! I'll probably take her to the doctor tomorrow. She's in remarkably good spirits, though, and had great fun playing piano with Granddad, showing him her sandbox, pretending to take a nap with him and covering him with her blankets. Bridger enjoyed napping with Granddad (no pretending there!), his first trip to a restaurant (Chinese) and his second visit to Bruster's ice cream shop. He slept through the outings, but I'm sure he enjoyed the food once it got to him!
Brooke has also had a great time staying with Grandmother and Granddaddy (Nancy and Scott) lately. They watched her the weekend Bridger was born and also last weekend. Here's a picture of Brooke on her tricycle at their house. (I'm really glad she can ride down there, because the hill on our driveway is completely unsuitable for riding toys.) She frequently spends weekends with them; Brooke absolutely loves staying there. I'm so glad that she'll grow up with those memories. It's great that she's so comfortable in her home away from home. I can tell that they really have a special bond. Thanks again, Scott and Nancy!

Love the new pics! Bridger really looks like Brooke in that picture with Dad!
He really does! Especially in that same green onesie.
BTW, you're welcome for the information on the Founding Fathers, as that was my birthday present to Dad.
Hey Erin and Brad!!! I saw your blog on Anne Marie's new blog. Congratulations on your new little man! And Brooke is beautiful too. I know y'all must be so excited to have your new addition. We just had our baby girl back in March and loving every minute of being new parents. Blessings to you! -Vonda
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