Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So, what are the Hobbses doing these days?

Well, you may be wondering what the Hobbses are doing these days...

Bridger is crawling all over creation, trying to eat things that he shouldn't, and groooooowing (he is up to 21 lbs now!) Also, as of this week, we have liftoff! The boy has gone vertical and is now pulling up.

Brooke loves to tell Bridger what NOT to do ("No Bwidger, No!") and loves to "read" by herself in her room.

Lest you think she is too bookish, she also enjoys running through the house screaming at the top of her lungs, occasionally with a pair of panties on her head. She is NOT an introvert.

I am still looking for FTE (full-time employment). In the meantime I have picked up some contract work with SupportSoft, which are two tough balls to juggle at the same time. In addition I have contracted Tennis Elbow, which means no more tennis - my primary stress-relief at this time. So Bagheera and I just chill out by the fireplace a lot.

Erin just tries to keep the three of us happy, and has picked up some modeling business at the local used-car dealership to help us make ends meet.

So, where have we been? I have a very good reason for not posting more frequently on our blog - my cellphone made me do it! Seriously, I am a listmaker. If a task is not on my list then it doesn't get done. And I put "Update the blog" on my list TWICE, and set it recur each week. But when I synced my phone to my PC it mysteriously deleted random tasks - including this one. So I forgot about it. It's the truth. However, I am about done with that phone, and have re-added it to my tasklist, so you should see more posts coming from us. If not, then it's Erin's fault...


Kate said...

Thanks for the update! Although, I'm not sure exactly which year (or decade) you were posting from at the end there!

KyTexBeth said...

Looks like you found a lookalike of your first green machine! Thanks for the kid pics--always good to see what I'm missing living so far away (sigh).

Mike and Anne Savage said...

Oh, what gorgeous kids! It is so good to see that you all are doing well. And yes, I check often and wonder when you are doing the next update. We really miss you guys. If you have the free time, you ought to come up here to the lake. It's very relaxing.