Yes! We made it!!! Hooray!!! Today is Bridger's first birthday. What a year!
Fortunately for the blog, his party was on Saturday, so we have birthday pictures ready to go.
We've reached a lot of milestones latetly. He took his first steps on August 6 and has steadily gained control over the last few weeks. In the last week he made THE shift -- walking now constitutes the majority of his transportation. He has progressed past the Frankenstein/zombie walk (arms outstretched in front) to the drunken sailor amble. Very cute! 

And, as a parting comparison shot, here are Brooke and Bridger, both at their first birthdays:We are also on Day #5 without bottles! AND, I quit pumping two weeks ago in anticipation of his birthday, our New York trip, and the busier school year schedule as a leader in BSF. What a relief to have that done with! (Forget you read that if it's TMI). On a good note, I've only had to buy one can of formula this year, having managed nicely on pumping and sample cans from the doctor. :) Bridger's one-year check-up is on Thursday and I anticipate him being cleared to make the switch to whole milk. He's also able to feed himself now -- not from a spoon, but entire diced meals of whatever we're eating. No more jars of baby food! Less stressful mealtimes! So we've officially entered the sweet spot -- when he's able to feed himself, walking, off of bottles, but thankfully still taking two naps a day, not squabbling with Brooke or into tantrums... yet. (We'll see how long it lasts!)
He has been very enamored with his birthday presents (and so has Brooke), especially the balloons that Brad bought. He'll grab onto several and walk around with them for a long time. He held one all through dinner after his party.
Wow! Those two could be twins! Happy Birthday, Bridger!
I see that Bridger got the sugared, icing-ed up cake, and Brooke got the healthy, all natural kind. Poor girl....
And she looks just as happy! (And she did get the sugar-y stuff at her party and didn't even like it.)
Man, what a cute boy! So he's up and walking---sure do wish we could see him (and all of you) more often!
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