Opening presents with Daddy (note the matching jammies from Aunt Amy -- too cute!)
Our kids must have been very good, because Santa sure did right by them. He brought Brooke the four things on her list: a bike, a tennis racket, and Jack and Alfie (two Thomas the Tank Engine characters). Bridger got a 4-wheeler riding toy, a T-ball set, and the classic Fisher Price garage from when we were kids. He knew just what to do with them all, too!
Santa came!
So who remembers this classic toy? An oldie but goodie!
Bridger tries on Brad's new hat.
Here's a video of "the Best Present of All!!!" (so-called by Brooke... score for Uncle David)!
The only time we left the house was for a swinging and bike-riding break!
Our tough little guy (Note the warm weather! No white Christmas in Atlanta!)
Livestrong, Brooke Armstrong!
One of the sweetest times of the day for me was our Christmas dinner tonight, just the 4 of us. We even used the fancy crystal. We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and enjoyed the cake we had decorated for Him. I had asked Brooke what kind of cake she thought was Jesus’ favorite. I was going for chocolate or vanilla or strawberry or something like that… but I’d forgotten that a child doesn’t think in flavors (e.g., her favorite ice cream is “pink” ice cream – not “strawberry”). Her sweet 3-year-old mind went to the best cake ever for Jesus – a Thomas cake! So, a Thomas cake it was!
We had lots of fun decorating it yesterday and it was a good way to teach her that even in all the hustle and bustle of the season, Jesus is worth taking the time to make a birthday cake. (Okay, so we didn't get all of our wreaths hung this year, but Jesus had a cake!) I think I see another tradition forming... I wonder what Jesus’ favorite cake will be next year?
"Peep, peep, Jesus!"
Yesterday she asked me, “How will we get the cake to Jesus?” I explained that Jesus lives inside of us in our hearts, and when we eat the cake, he gets some, too. It worked for her! She told us tonight that Jesus was getting the cake inside of her. As we ate the cake, Brooke was in a very sweet, contemplative mood and was asking us lots of questions about God and Jesus. It was a precious time. I am honored to be married to a man with such wise, gentle answers to her sweet questions.
I feel so very blessed; the material goods are only the smallest beginning of all we've been given. God has done a great work in me and our family.
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!
1 comment:
What a wonderful day you've had. Thanks for sharing your pictures and stories and blessings with us!
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