(Hopefully more pictures will follow sometime this week. I'm experiencing some technical difficulties and the IT department is out of the office at the moment. Here's one from Thanksgiving to tide you over, though.)

The biggest birthday of the century (in the mind of a preschooler, anyway) finally came! I have been hearing about this birthday for months. Brooke became very concerned a few months ago when friends of hers started turning 5. I've heard how nearly every kid in her class is 5 already; seeing as her birthday only falls 4 months after the cut-off, I wonder if this is a matter of coincidence, lots of kids who were held back, or just a skewed preschool perspective.... Anyway, she is officially a member of the 5-club!
She wore her shiny pink Chinese outfit from Granddad to BSF this morning and changed into her ballet outfit for the party. We had a drop-off party with 11 kids, handled by 2 parents and 2 very good-natured grandparents (thanks, Scott and Nancy!). It was pretty simple to put together: cupcakes, juice boxes, balloons, and a few prizes for game winners. The kids loved a dancing session with piano music (from the iPod), tissue paper (a spontaneous idea after opening gifts), ballet instruction, and a prize for the best dancer (Brooke judged Grace to be the best).
A very funny moment was when a mom came in with a little dog who mingled with the kids for a while. They loved it! After a few minutes, I said to her, "I didn't know you had a dog." She looked at me like I was crazy -- it wasn't her dog! Nobody noticed it slip in, nor had we ever seen it before! Fortunately, it was nice and the owner came looking for it shortly. As Bridger says, oof oof!
The best part of all was seeing Brooke's hopes and dreams fulfilled. I gave her a lot of free reign on her party, asking what theme she wanted (ballet), which guests to invite (the usual six playgroup friends, Anna, Nicola, and a new best friend Chloe from church), what kind of cake (pink cupcakes decorated to look like ice cream cones), which games (pass the baby, hide and seek, and Rover, Rover, Where's Your Bone?). The roller coaster from Christmas was a fun addition and Brad did a great job organizing the line.
Our big gift to her was a birthday kit to use with her dolls and trains: signs, hats, plates, cups, napkins, goodie bags, cupcake liners, tweeters, etc., all stored in a purple and pink plastic box. She LOVES to have pretend birthday parties and now she can create elaborate events to her hearts' content and have a nice place to store it all. Maybe she'll be a party planner one day!
We appreciate the many wonderful gifts from family and friends. You all did a great job picking them out for her and I know she genuinely likes them. She's especially taken with her new American Girl doll, Felicity, from Scott and Nancy. Thanks for all of the gifts, phone calls, and other ways you have shown her love.
It's hard to believe we've had Baby Girl Hobbs for 5 precious years. What a privilege.
On the philosophical note, I know we have a limited window when dreams are so "easily" fulfilled. Older birthdays and Christmases don't always live up to the pure, innocent excitement of the younger years. It's really sweet to see my little girl growing up, full of wonder and joy. I cherish these times and thank God for all of His good gifts. It's amazing what joy some tissue paper and a batch of pink frosting will bring!
Sounds like a great party! Wish I could have been there. I remember when Katie was turning 4 and I suggested we take her friends to a Children's Theatre play for her party. Her response was, "I want a REAL party - with balloons and games and prizes!" I was just trying to get out of having a dozen preschoolers mess up the house. More power to you for being willing to, and actually enjoying it!
Oops! Correction to the above: Katie reminds me that she didn't have a party when she turned 4; we had just moved into the Idle Hour house the day after Katie's birthday, and Amy got the party that year, a couple days later. So it must have been Erin who wanted the REAL party.
I've always been a visual girl. I knew what parties look like!
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