Ever since our trip to Myrtle Beach, one of Brooke's favorite things in the world is a baby pool. (It even ranks up there with Choo Choo [Thomas], Baby Choo Choo [the train at the zoo], babies [dolls], and Babies! [Brooke's friends]).
I've discovered some peace and quiet in our own backyard. Set up the baby pool and just add water (a.k.a., "juice," in Brookese). I'm working on this post in the backyard now, with the laptop on the picnic table watching Brooke pour water from cup to cup and wash her baby. Yesterday her friend Grace came over and the girls filled cups with "coffee" and played happily while I sat in the shade and read a magazine. This is a good thing, indeed!
Here's an example of how Brooke has mastered the "Cheese!"-y smile for the camera. The funny thing is, that half of the time she doesn't even bother to look at the camera when she smiles and says "Cheese." She also has started cheesing even when the camera isn't around. Sometimes -- particularly at the dinner table -- she'll throw her head back, start squealing and being silly. I usually take that as a clue that she wants to participate in the conversation more.
Unfortunately... we have an axe looming over our backyard shade. Last year we were informed that the power company was planning to remove about half of the trees on the hill in our backyard. We protested, nothing ever came of it, and that was that. Brad has met with them this week, though, and not only are they back, but they say they need to remove ALL of the trees on the hill. We are NOT happy, especially since most of them obviously pose no threat to the power lines. They say that a new law has been passed, though, that subjects them to large fines if they don't remove all trees over 15' tall within 50' of the middle of the lines -- which for us, means all of our trees all the way up to our back door. If anyone has any advice on how to save our trees (and our shade and privacy), please let us know!
Looks like you might need to plant a grove of 6' trees and replenish them every few years to replace the 15 footers!
I'm sorry to hear that! Of course, now you might actually get some grass to grow on the hill!
Grass is always nice, but I hate to think of poor Brad having to mow it!
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