As I've been promising Brooke, though, now that Amy is married, it's time to get her big girl panties! (I wasn't about to try to travel with a newly toilet trained toddler.) She's been waiting eagerly for about six weeks, ever since we bought an Elmo toilet seat insert at Wal-Mart. I haven't let her play with it one bit, promising that she'll be big enough to get it when she gets her big girl panties. We've talked about Elmo and her big girl panties nearly every day and she is very excited about both. (We'll see how excited she is about actually learning this skill tomorrow.)
Two nights ago we were at Lowe's and spied more seat inserts; I let her pick out a second one for her bathroom. (Katie will be proud to know that she wanted Bob the Builder over Dora and the other options!) Today we had a big shopping trip to Target and let her pick out new panties, step stools to reach the toilets and the sinks, special drinks for tomorrow, and fresh bottles of Lysol and carpet cleaner. (She really wanted Thomas the Tank Engine underwear, but they don't make those in girl panties. I was going to let her wear the boys' briefs because she loves Thomas so much, but they didn't have them in her size. All of you who think I might screw this kid up by starting her out in boy's underwear will breathe a sigh of relief, I'm sure. Fortunately, she was happy to have Curious George panties as a second-runner up! No Tinkerbell or Disney princesses for this girl!) We also checked out lots of potty books and a video from the library.
So tomorrow's the big day! Say a prayer for us! We're trying the get-it-over-and-done-with method, with lots of praise and treats for dry panties and productive visits to the potty. Hopefully she'll figure out that wet panties are no fun and will choose to keep them dry.
Her bear will also learn how to use the potty tomorrow, too. Hope he likes jellybeans!
And here I was expecting to see pictures from the wedding....Good luck with your big training project!
Still waiting on an's it going?
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