Wonders never cease! Being born to a family of three girls from a mother who is one of four girls, and only having a daughter and a niece born to our generation, the shocker of the year is that we are expecting a boy!!!
As many of you know, Brad and I had a LOT of discussion over whether or not to find out this time. When we were expecting Brooke, I wanted to know and he didn't. Apparently I did too good of a job convincing him last time because when I wanted to keep this one a suprise, he absolutely wanted to find out! In the end, I figured that if he wanted to know, he had the right to. So at the sonogram, I asked the doctor to write it down and fold it up. I gave him the folded-up paper for his birthday a few weeks ago, and amazingly, by his own choice, he even kept it safe and didn't look for weeks! It may have had something to do with my request to be in the room with him when he opened it....
Over those weeks, I realized that it would be a lot more fun for both of us if he wasn't trying to hide it from me and the world. I also didn't want to put him in the position of me being mad at him if he slipped to me or someone else. So Saturday night we were out on a date and opened the paper. Talk about suspense! It's like opening a fortune cookie that you know is TRUE and will determine a course for the rest of your life!
Even though I suspected it was a boy (from a few of the pregnancy factors), when we read "male" on the paper I was in absolute shock for the rest of the night! (Remember, boys are very rare in our family, as are mixed-gender siblings.)
We are keeping the name quiet until he arrives, though, so don't bother asking unless you want a very unsatisfactory answer. You know me -- I like to keep my options open!
Congratulations! I think the rest of us were as shocked as you. Can't wait to meet my nephew!
I guess we're the "rare" ones in the family, having the mixed-gender siblings. Ours are better friends now that they're adults... I hope for your sake that Brooke and her brother grow up as best friends and buddies. Congrats!
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