Thursday, September 06, 2007

(Unpleasant) Milestone

A few minutes ago I took something away from Brooke, and for the first time she ran crying to her room and shut the door! I suspect that this won't be the last time that happens. It's not a "happy" event, but I really enjoy seeing her growing up and learning new things. She is spending more time playing in her room lately, and is really starting to "own" it. She is in a dramatic intellectual growth period now. Her vocabulary and comprehension is just skyrocketing. It's not an exaggeration to say that she is picking up 5-10 words a day, which is keeping Erin and I on our toes.

Here's a happier picture of my buddy and me at the zoo in June...

1 comment:

Kate said...

And so it begins....just wait until she's a teenager!