Sunday, January 31, 2010


I want to send out a status update on our cousins Rich and Ashley's baby with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), Hodges. He was in the hospital last week after catching a cold. He's had a feeding tube for a while and is now on a ventilator as well. They are now trying to make him comfortable and are waiting for his specialist to fly in to see and assess him (an extremely gracious offer), possibly Monday or Tuesday. He is 1 year and 2 months old.

My heart is very heavy and I am thinking of them continually. Anyone who would like to read more and check in on them can go to Ashley's blog.

Prayers would be much appreciated. Please pray for God to bring all of them direction, strength, comfort, and peace, to protect their faith, and also protect and guide Hodges' sweet sister Kensington, who is 3.

On a positive note, a treatment/cure for SMA is on the medical horizon -- some think within 5 years if resources are available to fund the research. The SMA Treatment Accerlation Act is being promoted in the current Congress. For anyone who is interested, an internet petition is available, as well as additional info (including help contacting representatives) for fighting SMA.

Thanks for your love and support. Praise to the sovereign and merciful God, in times of blessing and sorrow.

On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.

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